Dave Clausen

The Exquisite Beauty of Woodturning

Dave Clausen is a master craftsman woodworker with a passion for giving each of his pieces an artistic flair. A former electrician, Dave pursues his love of working with all types of wood and projects, from rebuilding furniture and weaving looms, to making boxes, cutting boards, bottle stoppers, pens and kayaks, to expanding his creativity into one-of-a-kind ornaments, unique bowls, and vases, as well as many other projects that allow him to bring his imagination to life.

Dave enjoys working primarily on the lathe. To help reduce waste, Dave uses “segmenting” as part of his process. Dave designs each piece prior to turning, then cuts wedges of wood specific to each row, which allows him to get the most out of each piece of wood. As he has gained skills in the craft, not only does he focus on design, but he also gives attention to the specific species of wood he uses, including its grain and other elements.

Dave is very concerned about deforestation. He purchases his wood from high quality honest lumber yards that share his same beliefs. He is proud to share that trees are planted from the donations he makes to the American Forest Association via his art sales.

Dave is also a member of the American Wood Turners Association and the Segmented Woodturning Group.

All of the art in Dave’s Blue Moon Collection work is available for purchase.

Send inquiries to kendra@thebluemoongallery.com or text 224-388-7948


Kendra Kett


Les Scott