A Fine Art Juried Group Exhibition Featuring the Beauty & Joy of Flowers
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 22, 6-9pm
SPECTACULAR eye-popping art celebrating the joy, happiness, and positivity of flowers!
Over 40 varieties of flowers are represented in this show in 70 pieces of fine art created in a diverse range of artistic mediums.
A sensational treat for the eyes, senses, and the spirit.
Congratulations to these artists selected to participate in WALL FLOWERS: Sanjukta Acharya, Joan Ackerman-Zimny, Leslie Armstrong, Elaine Asma, Beth Berry, Shel Beugen, Marco Bendin, Tania Blanco, Amy Duffy Callan, Dave Clausen, Kathie Collinson, Heather Donovan, Angela Williams Duea, Jennifer Evans, Frank Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Flatt, Tim Flynn, Erin Galbraith, Samira Gdisis, Diana Leviton Gondek, Allison Hausladen, Fletcher Hayes, Ruth Hutter, Missy Isely-Poltrock, Juli Janovicz, Steve Jones, John Kirkpatrick, Daniel Kurnick, Laura LaRue, Kim Laurel, Aleksandra Lederer, Julie Mars, Dorothy Mason, Oliver Merriam, Andrea Munday, Charlene Moy, Laura O'Connor, Michelle O'Connor, Tom Pedersen, Laurie Peters, Jaynanne Ridder, Tara Riley, Maureen Fisher Rivkin, Linda Rodriguez, Regina Roland, Linda Roxe, SamTheJam, Aruna Nitin Sarode, Kirsten Saunders, Sandra Saxton, Linda Scholly, Phil Schorn, Susan Schneider, Ernest Schweit, Roslyne Smith, Carissa Stear, Kat Strack, Savannah Sweeney, Anna Toberman, Sue Turayhi, Kate Uttich, Kelly Witte, Jeff Wozniak.
On view through April 27. Open Saturdays 1-4pm.*
*The gallery will also be open on the following Sundays, March 23, 1-4pm and April 27, 1-4pm for this show.
All of the art in WALL FLOWERS is available for purchase except where noted.
Send inquiries to kendra@thebluemoongallery.com or text 224-388-7948
Wander About by Aleksandra Veronika Lederer 9 x 12 Oil $425
A Peony for Your Thoughts by Allison Hausladen 20 x 20 Acrylic on Canvas $300
Pink Tulip by Allison Hausladen 6 x 6 Acrylic -- SOLD
Zinnia Dreamscape by Amy Callan 16 x 24 Archival Print (laminated & mounted on dibond) $350
Rosa by Andrea Munday 24 x 30 Acrylic on Canvas -- NFS
Chronic Pain by Angela Duea 8 x 10 Mixed Media Collage $200
Blooming in the Dark by Anna Toberman 12 x 9 Oil -- Winner of HONORABLE MENTION AWARD -- SOLD
White Peony by Anna Toberman 8 x 8 Oil $600
Magnolias by Aruna Nitin Sarode 29 x 23 Oil $1400
Love of Mine by Beth Berry 12 x 12 Acrylic $400
Everybody Decays Sometimes (Vanitas Triptych) by Carissa Stear 25 x 13 Watercolor, Ink, Wire -- Winner of HONORABLE MENTION AWARD -- $555
Fake Plastic Flowers by Charlene Moy 22 x 30 Mixed Media (acrylic skins, watercolors, fake flowers, various plastic string, rhinestones, miscellaneous) $1800
Geometric Garden by Daniel Kurnick 11.75 x 14.75 Watercolor on Paper $1500
Living in Paradise by Dave Clausen 10 x 8 Acrylic & Laquer on Cherry Wood (segmented) $500
Rose by Diana Leviton Gondek 24 x 36 Mixed Media $3000
Pink Lotus Glow by Dorothy Mason 31 x17 Watercolor $500
Blue Calm by Elaine Asma 8.75 x 11 Watercolor and Tissue -- SOLD
Blooming in Hubbard Woods Park by Elizabeth Flatt 16 x 20 Oil $300
Wild Wlld Life II by Erin Galbraith 14 x 16 Mixed Media $150
3 Allium by Ernest Schweit 29 x 20 Photograph $400
Irises by Fletcher Hayes 28 x 22 Acrylic Canvas -- Winner of BEST-IN-SHOW/1st PLACE AWARD -- $3000
Chrysanthemums by Frank Fitzgerald 24 x 24 Acrylic on Canvas -- SOLD
Next Chapter by Heather Donovan 18 x 14 Acrylic on Watercolor Paper $200
Wild Flowers by Jaynanne Ridder 16 x 20 Acrylic $495
La Muerte es una Flor by Jeff Wozniak 18 x 29 Watercolor $500
Resilience by Jennifer Evans 16 x 20 Acrylic/Mixed Media $350
Cloud Flowers: Radiate by Joan Ackerman-Zimny 24 x 18 Oil $400
Sunday in the Park by John Kirkpatrick 24 x 36 Acrylic $700
Flowers in a Vase #66: Season of the Falling Pears 19 x 23 Watercolor & Pencil $450
Millefiori I by Julie Mars 26" Diameter $800
Worship of Spring by Kat Strack 15 x 30 Acrylic $450
Walk in the Park by Kate Uttich 22 x 18 Assemblage $125 (Note: This piece rests on a quiet battery-operated turntable. Turntable included in photo & dimensions. This piece is wearable.)
Dual Identities #3: Geraniums by Kathie Collinson 8 x 10 Photo Encaustic $200
Daylily by Kelly Witte 10 x 10 Acrylic on Canvas $225
Resilience by Kelly Witte 11 x 14 Linocut -- SOLD
Daffodils -- 3 by Kim Laurel 13 x 13 Gelatin Monoprint with Handwork $350
Swirling Blue Flower Tumbler by Kirsten Saunders 5.5" tall | Pottery $45
Thalia by Laura LaRue 11 x 14 Encaustic Mixed Media $310
Red Flower in Blue Vase by Laura O'Connor 14 x 18 Cross Stitch $600
sun - flower - moon II by Laurie Peters 18 x 22 Mixed Media on Paper -- Winner of HONORABLE MENTION AWARD -- $450
Victoria's Vessel by Leslie Armstrong 8 x 8 Mixed Media Pendant & Ink $195
Red Gladiolas by Linda Rodriguez 30 x 24 Oil on Canvas $750
Deep Rose Mum by Linda Roxe 16 x 16 Photography $375
Apple Blossom by Linda Scholly 24 x 24 Oil $1500
Stand by Marco Bendin 16 x 20 Oil on Canvas $1900
Untamed Wildflowers by Michelle O'Connor 24 x 35 Acrylic $700
En Plein Air: Lily by Maureen Ivy Fisher 10 x 14 Oil $425
Yellow Wallpaper by Missy Isely-Poltrock 20.5 x 26.5 Mixed Media: Ink & Vintage Wallpaper $400
Rose by Oliver Steven Merriam 14 x 14 il Oil on Canvas $240
Pink Iris by Philip Schorn 25 x 25 Color Pencil $1650
Flowers for P by Regina Roland 11 x 14 Watercolor & Ink $200
Calypso by Roslyne Smith 36 x 36 Acrylic & Oil -- Winner of 3rd PLACE AWARD -- $2000
Hues of Midsummer by Ruth Hutter 20 x 16 Acrylic -- SOLD
Ask Me to Dance by Samira Gdisis 19 x 19 Linocut Collage $350
Wisteria by Sam The Jam 16 x 6.25 Acrylic on Handcarved Cowhide Leather -- Winner of HONORABLE MENTION AWARD -- $400
You Brought Me Flowers by Sandra Saxton 24 x 36 Acrylic & Oil on Canvas $650
Violet Beauties by Sanjukta Acharya 16 x 12 Watercolor $415
Lily by Sanjukta Acharya 12 x 16 Watercolor $475
Reminders of Him by Savannah Sweeney 24 x 30 Acrylic on Canvas $750
Flower Garden by Shel Howard Beugen 20 x 20 Mixed Media $550
A Rose is a Rose... by Steve Jones 20.5 x 26.5 Tempera & Oil on Panel -- Winner of 2nd PLACE AWARD -- $2800
Rose Cup by Steve Jones 11.5 x 14.5 Oil on Panel $900
The Seed Collector by Sue Turayhi 24 x 30 Oil $1200
September Morning by Susan Schneider 12 x 24 Oil $600
Still Life Silhouette by Tania Blanco 12 x 12 Mixed Media -- SOLD
Summer Floral by Tania Blanco 20 x 20 Acrylic $400
Tara Riley 18 x 24 Pursuit of Dreams Oil & Acrylic $495
Spiro Flowers 1 by Tim Flynn 9 x 12 Watercolor $350
Spring has Sprung by Tom Pedersen 36 x 36 Acrylic $275