Gary Bredendick | Oil Paintings

Gary developed a love of the outdoors as a boy growing up in Wisconsin. Moving to Northern Illinois to attend graduate school, he became fascinated by the vast skies juxtaposed against the horizon of corn and soybean fields. Over the years, he explored using pastels, as well as wet-on-wet and air-brushed watercolor, to convey the soft, atmospheric light of the Midwestern skies. Once he was able to devote his attention to painting full-time in retirement, he switched back to working with oil on canvas, rekindling his love of the medium, from many years ago as an undergraduate student.

Although Gary uses a variety of special brushes and techniques for effect, it is not his primary goal to attain photo-realism. For his reference material, he works from photographs he has taken, often using Pixlir photo editing to modify the composition. Texture, tonal hues, and value are used to create a sense of depth and aerial perspective in his work.

“As an artist, one of my favorite compliments is that someone finds my painting “peaceful.” Nature’s beauty can provide an interlude of quiet contemplation and reflection, offering us perspective, serenity, and optimism about our lives. My intent is to engage the viewer with a sense of residing in such a place. Everyday challenges become momentarily subordinate to the calm and tranquility found in nature.

I am intrigued by how the play of light in the clouds and across the landscape creates an emotional connection. The paintings are intended to capture the magic found in nature. They are a vignette of the special places we often pass by without notice, going about our busy lives.”

All of the art in Gary’s Blue Moon Collection is available for purchase.

Send inquiries to or text 224-388-7948


Joan Bredendick | Affiliate Artist | Watercolor & Colored Pencil


Dave Clausen | Guest Artist | Woodturning